Monday, September 20, 2010

Smoking kills

Why start to smoke when you know it causes cancer? Smoking is an addiction to people. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. More than 400,000 deaths in the U.S. each year are from smoking-related illnesses. Smoking greatly increases your risk for lung cancer and many other cancers. Cigarette smoke is harmful to both smokers and non-smokers. Around 70 per cent of the tar in cigarettes is deposited in the smoker's lungs. Tar in the lungs will reduce the amount of air the body takes in. Cigarette smoking and second-hand smoke could also cause bone loss, damaged blood vessels, decreased energy, and shortness of breath. Don't start to smoke and if you already did its never to late to quit.
                                     smoking.jpg Smoking kills image by GhostHunter713


  1. I think that smoking is totally gross. It makes you smell bad and gives you yellow teeth, on top of the external things it gives you it can also lead to cancer and many harmful diseases. I would never start smoking!

  2. I think that smoking is disgusting and leads to bad habits. When you start smoking you get addicted and can't stop. It leads to lung cancer, and increases death. The smell of smoke grosses me out and I can't be around it. I would never even chance smoking.

  3. I could never understand why people start smoking. You'll smell terrible, your voice will be wrecked, and you could die from it!
    And yet people keep smoking.....,

  4. To put it plaily, smoking is a huge turn off. When i hear that someone smokes, i get disgusted by it, and i don't want to be around that person. There is no logical reason to smoke, therefore no one should.

  5. smoking is very gross. It puts off a horrible smell, and when you get older your voice will change. People get addicted to it all the time from the nicotine, eventually that will lead to cancer.

  6. i think smoking is pathetic, especially when people do it at our age. some people get out of school and get that cigarette into their mouth right away, i think that is really dumb and it just has to stop.

  7. Everyone is entitled to their own choices. That's what makes us human, therefore I believe it is wrong to limit people. If they want to smoke, that's their decision.

  8. Smoking is gross and is a nasty habit. In my opinion the making and selling of any tobacco products should be illegal.

  9. I think smoking is gross. I especially hate walking or being near someone who is smoking because of the smell.

  10. Smoking is horrible for you and its digusting how many people actualyl die from it.

  11. Smoking is disgusting it makes everything smell bad, and leads to problems with your health. It also is a total waste of money, I would never smoke.

  12. Smoking is a very expensive habit. It makes your breath smell, everything around you smell, also yourself. It causes many problems for the body but its a choice someone can make to either smoke or not smoke. I personally think it should be illegal.

  13. Smoking has become a big problem recently and I think it is the worst thing to do. No one should ever do it or try it. Smoking is a waste of breath.

  14. Smoking is a persons choice. If people understand the dangers it cause then let them do it.

  15. Yeah, why would you smoke? I cant stand the smell.

  16. ^Well put. Smoking is a waiste of breath. If people understand the dangers and still do it, then they're just stupid. There is no medical reason to smoke, there is no GOOD reason to smoke.

  17. I think everyone has the right for their own opinion. I think what they do is there problem not anyone else’s so don’t judge.

  18. If people want to smoke i say let them its there choice.

  19. ^if you aren't gunna state something in reguard to a positive aspect of her blog. please do not comment then :)

  20. Smoking is gross. Why start a habit like that?

  21. smoking is bad, and leads to very bad health problems.

  22. smoking is really bad for you no one should do it.
